
Spoken word by Caroline Schub with Margaret Chardiet




Caroline Schub is a multi-media artist [b.1990] from the Hudson Valley, New York. After years of living with chronic illness starting from childhood, she began documenting herself as a form of self-preservation and survival. Her work is an unauthorized public record of a chronic illness. These portraits have been created using different mediums and exist in varying scales while pushing through vacillating emotional filters of rage and fear. Caroline’s understanding of her body’s capacity for degeneration forms the double-edged sword that inspires her work. Her method of image creation has more in common with the labor of construction work than with the weaving of dreams. She is a member of Sick In Quarters. Her work can be seen in her first book of self portraits CAROLINE SCHUB 2010-2016, published by Discipline Press and DIAGNOSIS, a zine self published by the artist. She is a past performance resident of Otion Front. @caroline.schub


Margaret Chardiet is an interdisciplinary sound artist born and based in New York City. Raised by underground musicians and artists, Margaret was surrounded by a collective of the city’s impassioned, cultural detritus. Instead of following a path of higher education, they began the experimental project Pharmakon in 2006, at the age of 16. Pharmakon as a project, entity, and process, has evolved and exists in true protean form, developing alongside (or more so within) Margaret’s personal experience and auto-didactic philosophies. Her work as a whole is a forced self-possession, a celebration of ferality and viscereality, which performatively abandons a society that has never accepted anything it couldn’t also exploit. Chardiet uses electronic synthesis as a tool to transfer this self-possession physiologically and intra-spatially into the bodies of their audience. Timbre becomes temper. Ferality, a social contagion or biorhythm. Margaret has also played in numerous punk groups that extend out to a greater international D.I.Y. music community, and has composed score and original music for the films Transfiguration (2017), and Sound of Metal (2019).





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